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Cut off listening to soul's whisperings from below: for out of the souls of men proceed all evil toughts which cause all evil in this world. All evil thoughts come from below, out of the soul, and defile the man.

Resist the temptations. When you are as a little child, focused in the moment, not thinking, you are disconnected from the soul and it has no power over you. But let one of those thoughts from below enter into your mind, and that devil Satan begins to take control.

The soul cannot be changed from its design and purpose. If your thoughts, words and actions are evil, it is the thoughts of soul infecting your mind. Stop the flow of thoughts from below; cut them off in mid-stream. Rise up and call on the Father above for help. Rise up to the seat of the Father and ask him to help you to resist the temptations of soul. When the wave of thoughts have passed, send a loving thought, a "thank you" to the Father.

Thinking you can overcome or control the evil of soul is just more of soul's cunning craftiness. You can't do it yourself; if you try you will only be using it's thoughts from below, strengthening it.

Turn away from those conversations with the soul. Put on the new mind of knowing what the soul is and learn how it is operating within you. Give no audience to your soul. Let that devil corrupt and steal from you no more. Do not let that devil keep dragging you down to fulfill its desires. Break the connection, each time, and stop the flow of your mental energy downwards to feed its insatiable desires. Stop giving its thoughts life.

The soul has reigned from Adam to Moses to Jesus, until now, the end time. This is the beginning of the end of religion and soul's reign.

To everyone born into this world there is given unto him or her a thorn in the side, a devil inside, a soul of good and evil. Yes Satan lives inside each and every one of us: not one of us is good, no not one.

Reading John 12:31, "Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out." And reading James 4:7, "Submit yourselves therefore to God (the Father). Resist the devil and he will flee from you."

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