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Two-thirds of our brothers and sisters remain on Other Earth waiting for us to turn from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the soul, and return to Life once again. They are ready to see us through our time of reparation.

The mind is the Tree of Life. The soul is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We have been coupled to this soul and given the opportunity to make ourselves perfect once again. While the way has been lost, herein has been fulfilled once again the promise of sending the message in the end times to prepare the way for the second coming of the teachings of Jesus to fill the world and rule over all nations.

These teachings of Jesus brings a realization which opens one's eyes and brings us to a junction in our life. It means to repent, to make a total change in the way we look at and live life. It really is a life and death struggle. It means taking the path of righteousness and following Jesus' teachings of mind and soul, instead of following the way of a lost society or religion. Herein you have reached that junction.

To regain our original state of mind, that perfect state before our fall, requires hard work and time to comprehend the wiles of the soul. Then we must use the WILL to resist the evil and do the right, every time, no matter how painful soul makes it seem in the moment. WILL is determination to see something through to the end while resisting any and all temptations.

We fell from grace and cannot be restored instantly, or we will fall again, it takes time. The soul causes us to "doubt" this teaching through its subtle whisperings. The soul has subtly injected its vanity into our mind, to make us believe that its thoughts are our thoughts, that its voice is just thoughts in our mind.

Soul whispers; That's okay, everyone's doing it, don't worry, a little won't matter, just this once is okay, no one really cares, your only human, no one will know, go ahead you got away with it before, no one's looking, you're better than them, you deserve it, you are more beautiful, smarter, wiser, you're not really hurting anyone, it's only a grape, and on and on the list of justifications through rationalizations keeps rising up from the soul below.

We have been given that which we desired on Other Earth, a place where we can rule over others, except we all being of the same desire has only resulted in this earthly world of greed and abuse.

We were taken out of the way and cast-out of heaven because we desired to rule over others. We dared to think we were better, smarter, more powerful, and more beautiful than others. And so our lofty looks shall be humbled and our haughtiness shall be made low: because we exalted ourselves, we have been abased.

There was a great war in heaven and we were cast out, but because our brothers and sisters are true-love, this world and the human form with its soul was created as an opportunity for us to return Home. Reading Job 38:4-7, in part, "When I laid the foundation of the earth ... all the sons of God shouted for joy."

Yes this world was created for our self-correction and our return home to Other Earth. To we who rebelled against the right way of Life, we were cast out of heaven, but perfection being love, provided a means whereby we would learn from our error and return Home.

As Jesus states in John 3:13, "AND NO MAN hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man." We came from Other Earth and to Other Earth all shall eventually return. Some who were cast out first shall be last, and some who were cast out last will be first. Other Earth, Jerusalem above, is the mother of us all (Galatians 4:26).

Reading Revelation 12:7, in part, "There was a war in heaven," a rebellion and we were cast out. And reading Ezekiel 28:2, in part, "Because thine heart is lifted up and thou said, I am God." Yes we opposed the law and exalted ourselves above all that is called God. We exalted ourselves and lifted up our voice against our brothers and sisters, as head above all. We sought to "rule-over-others" in heaven, just as we continue to seek to rule over each other down here. As below, so it was above.

Look around at this world and how we behave; this is what we tried to do on Other Earth. The "desire' to rule-over-others is the root of all evil - money is a means to that end in this world.

Look around this planet, what is the common theme? - rule over others, control others, boss others, be better than others, and so on goes the list of synonyms. The same error that got us thrown out of heaven - setting ourselves above others - is keeping us out of heaven. For when we seek to rule, we become the slave of desire.

To those who remained in heaven we were a lesson to be learned, not to be experienced. For God spared us who sinned and cast us out into the chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment, making us an example unto them who might consider the ungodly.

Yes we used our mind with its knowledge, power and intellect to make the wrong choice of trying to rule over our brothers and sisters; to set ourselves above the others as being somehow better. Our thinking became perverted, distorted, twisted and warped. Now we must straighten our mind.

Reading Isaiah 13:11, "And I will punish the world for their evil and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible."

The desire to rule over others, to place ourselves above others, this is the cause of our fall. Now the soul is our ruler and teacher, our taskmaster and our salvation.

We came into existence as minds with will, capable of making the right choice every time. We were perfect in our ways from the day we were created until we allowed iniquity to enter into us. We allowed our heavenly mind to become polluted and we sinned. And what is sin? Sin is the transgression of God's law. And what is God's law? Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself, and to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. (Can you see the fulfilling of the law in the design of this creation of redemption by our brothers and sisters on Other Earth?)

The soul's desires of lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego (vanity) begin to affect us from the moment we are born into this world. Attitudes around us, in our environment, become absorbed by the soul and heredity soon activates those latent tendencies in soul, creating WILL robbing life-long habits and addictions. And soon we see those things which become habitual, also become normal in life.

The design of this creation opens our minds to the "desires of soul" and we acquire its identity as our own. The soul is secretly working in the unsuspecting minds of men and women all around this world. And thus the soul deceives the whole world.

Reading 2 Corinthians 3:13-16, "And NOT as Moses, which put a veil over his face, that the children of Israel could not steadfastly look to the end of that which is abolished: but their MINDS were blinded for until this day remaineth the same veil untaken away in the reading of the Old Testament, which veil is done away in Christ. But even until this day, when Moses is read, the veil is upon their heart MIND (mind is the object of this passage not heart). Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the veil shall be taken away."

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